
Exercise Beats Meds For Depression

While I don't suffer from depression I've had people close to me who dealt with depression for decades. Various medications were used over the course of a lifetime. None of them were a magic pill. Now a study indicates that exercise is 1.5 times more...


What’s Normal?

Cholesterol can be complicated. Certain types of cholesterol are essential for the body while others can be dangerous if levels become too high. Understanding how it works in our body is key to managing it right. On this episode of A Healthier Michigan Podcast, we...


Good health..not big bucks

Eating healthy doesn’t have to be expensive. With proper planning, it’s possible to make nutritious meals without breaking the bank. On this episode of A Healthier Michigan Podcast, we share tips on how we can eat wholesome food on a budget. ...


Holiday Food Madness

The holiday season is filled with opportunities to eat 'till we drop. How can we control the amount of food we eat at family gatherings and holiday parties? Portion sizes have drastically changed throughout the years. Since the late ‘70s, the average size of...


Fall For Farmers Markets

Farmers markets are gems in our local communities. They give us access to better quality food and the opportunity to broaden our palate. On this episode of A Healthier Michigan Podcast, we share tips on how to get the most out of your next farmers...


Kick The Habit.

Let's kick the processed food habit. We think processed food=bad. Most of these foods are convenient too. But did you know not all processed foods are bad for us. On this episode of A Healthier Michigan Podcast, we discuss the spectrum of processed food, what’s...


Time For An Oil Change?

We use olive oil a bunch when cooking. I wouldn't call it a rut but it became our good, healthy go to choice. Then my eyes were opened when we tried a few new recipes that included sesame oil among others. It may be time...


Healthy Aging

The attached series of photo's were given to me for my 40th birthday by Alan Frank, then General Manager of WDIV. While I may look more like the guy in the middle now, I still feel more like 40 today. Actually, my left knee often...