Get Outside More For Your Health
Spring arrives this month and many, maybe all of us, can’t wait for the weather to catch up. So, get out in nature more or at least look at it. This is a great Rx for better health. Some effects are profound. A lengthy and huge study of nearly 62-million Medicare recipients (don’t let their age fool you) suggests that getting out in nature may protect us against neurodegenerative diseases like dementia and Parkinson’s Disease. Remember; Brain health=heart health. The greener the space you visit or look at the better. And don’t forget about blue space and how good we can feel when around lakes, oceans and rivers. If working from an office or home, even viewing nature through a window can decrease stress levels, blood pressure and cholesterol levels. The bonus: an improved outlook on life! For more on finding better health this spring visit www.aheathiermichigan.org/podcast and my new radio wellness segments at www.avemariaradio.net