Exercise Beats Meds For Depression

Exercise Beats Meds For Depression

While I don’t suffer from depression I’ve had people close to me who dealt with depression for decades. Various medications were used over the course of a lifetime. None of them were a magic pill. Now a study indicates that exercise is 1.5 times more effective than medication or even therapy in treating depression. Talk about a natural approach to wellness. You may have heard that sitting is the new smoking. Here is another reason get up and move. Even when the weather in Michigan is gray, wet and cold (often a downer all by itself), physical activity has been shown to lower levels of depression. What’s the downside to adding a bit exercise to your routine? Take that call while on walk, inside or outside, get some small weights and use them while streaming your favorite episodes. Just move. Check out more on the study from the Global Wellness Institute: https://globalwellnessinstitute.org/wellnessevidence/exercise
